Generate Validator Keys

How to generate validator keys for JIB Chain

Build Requirement

For Linux or MacOS users

File Permissions

On Unix-based systems, keystores and the deposit_data*.json have 440/-r--r----- file permissions (user & group read only). This improves security by limiting which users and processes that have access to these files. If you are getting permission denied errors when handling your keystores, consider changing which user/group owns the file (with chown) or, if need be, change the file permissions with chmod

Get Started to generate validator keys

  1. Clone the Deposit-CLI repository from JIBChain-net Github

git clone && cd deposit-cli
  1. Install dependencies (Ensure you are using Python version >= Python3.8)

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 install

# Or use the helper script
./ install
  1. Create key and deposit_data-*.json

mkdir validator_keys-test
./ new-mnemonic --num_validators=<NUM_VALIDATORS> --mnemonic_language=english --chain=jib --eth1_withdrawal_address=<withdraw_address> --folder=validator_keys-test


./ new-mnemonic --num_validators=1 --mnemonic_language=english --chain=jib --eth1_withdrawal_address=<change-to-your-address> --folder=validator_keys-test
  1. Create your password and confirm your password

Running deposit-cli...

***Using the tool on an offline and secure device is highly recommended to keep your mnemonic safe.***

Please choose your language ['1. العربية', '2. ελληνικά', '3. English', '4. Français', '5. Bahasa melayu', '6. Italiano', '7. 日本語', '8. 한국어', '9. Português do Brasil', '10. român', '11. Türkçe', '12. 简体中文']:  [English]:
Create a password that secures your validator keystore(s). You will need to re-enter this to decrypt them when you setup your Ethereum validators.:
Repeat your keystore password for confirmation:
  1. Remember your mnemonic key

This is your mnemonic (seed phrase). Write it down and store it safely. It is the ONLY way to retrieve your deposit.

onion margin nuclear expire december wild fever actress educate picnic key urge slow tape fruit quantum dial hero curtain disorder exercise lawsuit fashion dash

Press any key when you have written down your mnemonic.
  1. Put your mnemonic key to verify that you saved

Please type your mnemonic (separated by spaces) to confirm you have written it down. Note: you only need to enter the first 4 letters of each word if you'd prefer.

: onion margin nuclear expire december wild fever actress educate picnic key urge slow tape fruit quantum dial hero curtain disorder exercise lawsuit fashion dash
  1. Waiting for generate key

                  #####     #####
                ##     #####     ##
    ###         ##   #######     #########################
    ##  ##      #####               ##                   ##
    ##     #####                 ##                       ##
    ##     ##                     ##                      ###
   ########                        ##                     ####
   ##        ##   ###         #####                       #####
   #                          ##                         # #####
   #                            #                        #  #####
   ##                             ##                    ##
   ##                              ##                   ##
   ##             ###              ##                   ##
   ###############                 ##                   ##
   ###               ##                                 ##
      #############################                    ##
                     ##                             ###
                     #######     #################     ###
                     ##   ## ##        ##   ##    ###
                     ##############          #############

Creating your keys.
Creating your keystores:	  [####################################]  1/1

Your keys can be found at: validator_keys-test/validator_keys

Press any key.
  1. Your keys can be found at: validator_keys-test/validator_keys

cd validator_keys-test/validator_keys && ls -la


total 16
drwxr-xr-x  4 user  staff  128 Dec  3 15:14 .
drwxr-xr-x  3 user  staff   96 Dec  3 15:14 ..
-r--r-----  1 user  staff  702 Dec  3 15:14 deposit_data-1701591267.json
-r--r-----  1 user  staff  710 Dec  3 15:14 keystore-m_12381_3600_0_0_0-1701591267.json

If you input --num_validators more than 1, the list of files will show keystore-m_ equal to the number of validators that you input

Last updated